Our solutions

Transparently.AI's Manipulation Risk Analyzer is a tool that empowers the entire finance industry.

It provides vital information that enables customers to improve their corporate monitoring processes, make better investments and avoid potential losses. 

Pension plans, investment managers, sovereign wealth funds, insurers, auditors, banks, regulators and stock exchanges can all gain from our tool.

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Clear benefits

Whatever your function, use our AI tool to supercharge your work.

Asset managers

Picking the right stocks and bonds to invest in from the thousands of options available on exchanges around the world is a tricky proposition. Whatever your strategy or time horizon, our AI solution can improve your investment process.

  • Enhanced stock selection: We offer a foolproof way to identify the safest and cleanest companies to invest in. Use our AI-powered anti-fraud solution to improve your stock picks and boost your returns.


  • Portfolio risk management: Find out how risky the companies are in your funds. Now there is an AI solution to help you manage your exposure to fraud risk in your portfolio. Manage your portfolio risk with artificial intelligence.

  • Investment due diligence: Introduce our AI tool into your due diligence process, as you weigh up opening or building a position in a stock. Use our AI solution to vet your investments. Boost your conviction in your investment idea. 


It doesn't matter if you work at a Big Four firm. It doesn't matter if your firm is on the Main Street or a side street. As an auditor, your job is to establish and verify the provenance of your clients' accounts. Our system helps you with:

  • Client onboarding: New clients bring new opportunities as much as they do new challenges. We offer an AI solution that gives you forensic-level analysis and allows you to weigh audit risk before you bid for new clients. 

  • Audit planning: You're committing resources to execute the audit now. How confident are you that you've accurately identified the specific areas of risk for your client. Well-designed audit procedures don't matter if you're looking in the wrong places. Use our AI tool to help you build a true story of what's going on in a client's accounts.

  • Reputation management: What's the risk of a client blowing your reputation as an auditor?  When was the last time you measured the quality of your assurance portfolio by accounting fraud risk?  How can you ensure audit quality is consistent and at the standard you desire?

  • Investigations: Expose accounting fraud and corporate malfeasance with AI. Our solution uncovers red flags in company accounts instantly, giving you the ability to pinpoint exactly what elements a company is manipulating. This is forensic accounting driven by precision artificial intelligence. 

Fraud analysts

Whether you work for a bank, an insurer, a property company or a government agency, you specialize in assessing patterns, transactions, and behaviors to detect suspicious activities that indicate fraud. We have just the tool to help.

  • Investigations and monitoring: Use our AI tool to help you expose accounting fraud and corporate malfeasance. Our solution uncovers red flags in company accounts instantly, giving you the ability to pinpoint exactly what elements a company is manipulating. This is forensic accounting driven by precision artificial intelligence. 

  • Fraud detection at scale: Supercharge your forensic analysis of corporate accounts with our AI-powered tool. Use our system to detect individual cases of accounting fraud in seconds, saving you hours of forensic analysis. Now you can analyse dozens of companies in the time that it used to take you to analyse one. Do more, and faster, with our AI solution for accounting fraud. 


Our product offers solutions to all banks, regardless of whether to a bulge-bracket investment bank or a global commercial lender.

  • Credit risk management: New clients bring new opportunities as much as they do new challenges. We offer an AI solution that gives you forensic-level analysis and allows you to weigh risk before you lend to them or service their needs. 

  • Fraud detection: Use our AI tool to help you expose accounting fraud and corporate malfeasance. Our solution uncovers red flags in company accounts instantly, giving you the ability to pinpoint exactly what elements a company is manipulating. 

  • Sell-side research: Our product allows investment bank analysts to amplify their research into companies, in order to enhance stock and bond recommendations to clients. Our AI tool gives analysts an additional screen for their buy and sell calls.

  • ESG monitoring: Use our tool to help evaluate corporate customers' governance metrics. If a company is manipulating its accounts, that's a sure fail for corporate governance.

How we help

The pain points we solve


Speed up your analysis

Don’t spend weeks or months analyzing financial data points manually. Get the insights you need within seconds, and allow your financial analysts to work on more pressing tasks.


Get an accurate risk score

The Transparently MRA reduces the likelihood of human error and can unearth accurate signals of financial manipulation in vast quantities of diverse data.


Make better decisions

Using our scores and in-depth recommendation reports, you can understand which companies pose a risk and why. This will inform your future investigations and investment decisions.

Our accolades

Awards and accreditations

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Book a demo

If you’d like to see the mechanics of our software, schedule a live demo. We’ll walk you through how the platform works and how it can benefit you.