The world’s first AI solution for early detection of accounting manipulation and fraud

Our system predicts the next Enron. Built for financial analysts, portfolio managers, and regulators, our AI provides highly accurate accounting risk scores for tens of thousands of organizations across the globe. It can identify corporate accounting manipulation years ahead of the market and within seconds.
A screenshot of the Transparently AI user interface
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Our customers

Global giants

Some of the world's biggest financial institutions and audit firms use our product.


Top 10 global bank


Two of the Big 4 auditors

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Top 10 sovereign wealth fund


Top 10 global stock exchange

The problem

The challenges of accounting fraud



Takes too long

The sooner you can identify a company’s financial “red flags”, the better. Unfortunately, it can take financial analysts months to analyse one company, as businesses hide their wrongdoings well.


Limited insights

Even when financial analysts do have a good idea of the risks involved, they may not understand the reasons behind a company’s potential collapse. This makes it difficult to trigger investment decisions or investigations.

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Billions of losses

Enron, Wirecard, Toshiba… Instances of accounting fraud and manipulation cost company owners, investors, suppliers and customers across the globe more than US$1 trillion in lost value each year.

Our solution

How we’re solving them

We built our own AI system to shine a light on corporate accounting malfeasance and empower financial experts to make more informed investments.

The Transparently Manipulation Risk Analyzer (MRA) sifts through millions of data points, using 150 factor models (grouped into 14 risk clusters) to rank the probability of accounting fraud causing corporate collapse. It then delivers an accurate 0-100 percentage score, as well as a custom report with detailed next-step recommendations.

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Our MRA in numbers


Companies covered

The number of companies we provide analytics for.


Countries covered

The geographic reach of our AI solution. 


$4 trillion

Client assets

The volume of assets our clients manage.


Our differentiatiors

Why choose us?


We build and own our tech

Our AI algorithms are our own one-of-a-kind creation, not an off-the-shelf solution with limited scope for improvement. This means you benefit from all future features.


We deliver contextual insights

You’ll receive more than just a risk score. Our machine learning algorithms deliver detailed reports explaining how and why a company scores high (or low).


We save you time and money

It only takes a few seconds to analyze a company’s probability of failure. Within those seconds, you could save yourself the risk of a potentially costly investment.


We put the ‘G’ in ESG

Using the power of AI and machine learning, we strive to bring clarity, confidence and governance to the world of finance in an ethical way. 


We provide historic data sets

You’re not limited to current data sets and insights. You can analyze any historical financial year to get a clearer idea of a company’s financial health.


We’re easy to work with 

At the heart of Transparently is a team of skilled RegTech experts with a shared belief in harnessing AI for good. We’re always on hand to offer support.

Get in touch

Ready to take the next step?

A group of employees having a discussion around a laptop

Talk with our team

Would you like more information about our product or subscription packages? Don’t hesitate to reach out to the Transparently team.

A group of employees inspecting a line graph

Schedule a live demo

See the MRA in action with a live demo that’s tailored to your specific use case. We’ll walk you through how the software works and the benefits you can expect.